There have been many arguments and studies about whether money can buy happiness or not but there still has not been a set conclusion. This article
http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,2016291,00.html talked about a resent analysis that was done about the subject. The results of 450,000 participants being asked questions about there overall happiness and there income showed that $75,000 a year was the benchmark of enjoyment for there lives. I don't necessarily agree with this because there are plenty of people out there that do not make that much money and still go about there lives happily because of other factors that have a bigger impact then income like being healthy, having a family, or just being lucky enough to have a roof over there head everyday. Our society in America definitely has become one of class and because of that people feel they are always in a position to try and out perform others. This is a problem that some other countries do not deal with and that is part of the reason why studies have shown that were not the happiest country in the world. We may be the most powerful and one of the most prosperous, but that doesn't account for being healthy and other key essentials to living a happy life. I believe that money can buy happiness in the short term but when it comes to long term overall happiness money can only take you so far. The reasons that higher income can bring short term enjoyment is because you will have enough expendable cash to do what makes them feel good instead of dwelling on what is upsetting them. Money can make you feel really good and powerful, but cannot supply a person with what emotionally makes people happy in the long term like family, friends, and less stress. I have noticed that sometimes the wealthiest people are the most stressed because of not having the basic necessities to be happy. It is easy to hide how you really feel behind a lot of money but when it comes down to it there are more important things to worry about besides trying to get to that $75,000 a year. Do you think that money and happiness relate to each other?
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